This is an excellent show on television & on the channel NDTV 24x7. It is truly a THE BIG FIGHT
The show is hosted by Rajdeep Sardesai who is an impartial and a very good journalist. In this show there are 3 panelist of whom two panelist are having opposite opinion about the topic discussed and the third one is a person who has expertise in the topic and is expected to give an impartial opinion.
The show has five rounds the first among which is the FIRST PUNCH where allegations and facts are tabled related to the topic discussed. The second round is where the panelist are allowed to defend themselves by either explaining or counter attacking the facts (of which the people consider the second option better.). This round is called the COUNTER PUNCH.
Debate is meaningless if public is not allowed to speak, so they also have a round called the RING SIDEwhere public are allowed ask questions and panelist have to answer. Many a times Rajdeep asks for a public poll and every time the poll results are unanimous.
The best thing I like about the show is that the panelist are always the people who can directly address the topic . Mostly the panelist are the people who are in the middle of controversy.
-topic panelist
-sting operations Shakti kapoor
-hartals and bandhs Mr Dasgupta
-Telgi scam Mr C. Bujhbal
The show is a must watch as it deals in topic which has covered the full week news headlines.
The show is telecasted 3 times;
1) Saturday- 8.00pm
2) Saturday- 12.30am(late night)
3) Sunday- 12.00 pm
The topic to be discussed in the show is shown in regular intervals through out saturday on NDTV 24x7.