Nothing Big about the set top box. Poor quality design and untested. Here is my experience:
Installed about 10 days ago. Worked fine for 2 days. I tried to edit my favourite channels and save in memory. It saved ok as long as the set was ON. If it was switched off or power went the setting went for a toss.
Three days later the set top box refused to show the favourites by pressing the star button. Just TV shows and Radio was visible. Called the call center and was told to RESET the system. Went to the system menu and did so [Factory Reset]. Then all hell broke loose. The set top box never came ON again.
Apparently the poor quality software / firmware loaded in the set top box corrupts often and is generally an unrecoverable error. I was told by the call center operator that this is a common complaint received by them. My complaint number on 23/9/2008 was 76475920. After about a week I registered another complaint because my earlier complaint was never attended. The new complaint number on 28/9/2008 was 76855616. If you see the difference between the complaint numbers they have almost FOUR LAKH COMPLAINTS! IN ONE WEEK. Of course my complaints have not been attended to up to the time of writing this review.
Now my calls to the careless customer disservice department results in immediate re-routing to their non-existent "supervisors" who put you on hold and never take the call. The hold continues until the phone cuts off automatically after about 30 minutes of hold. This happens even when I called at 9:30 in the morning on Monday.
Here is how the set top box behaves - Turn it ON. RED light goes ON - OFF. Green light goes ON - OFF. All THREE lights go ON for about 3 seconds. Blue screen comes on TV and then goes off. The cycle starts again. This goes on for ever.
The reset procedure is highly complicated due to the "hidden keys" on the remote. Their owners manual is basically written for people with low IQ. It contains no useful information at all and is unusable for any troubleshooting. Overall dissatisfaction results from no responsible person who can take a call or provide me with help to fix the problem.
I know it is possible to fix the set top box firmware with a PC and its USB port. If these fools had provided this basic facility, then their untested system may have had some success because their Un-empowered dealers could fix the problem. Now most users have to suffer because they have no backup technically capable of providing service. I suggest you wait for a better service - maybe Zimbabwe TV!!