While I browse this forum, most of the customers complains about their bad experience with the installation. But I will tell you a much more terrific story. I pray nobody else should have these kind of experience. After reading my experience, you decide how unprofessional these people are.
If it is a technical problem I will pardon them, but this is purely mismanagement. Think twice before you buy a Big TV DTH service beacuse...... you are bringing a BIG devil to your house who will screw all the happiness in your family.
Obviously, like most of the customers, for me also it took sixteen days to get it installed - after lots of yells and cries. But I was more or less happy with the service, eventhough it is nothing exceptional compared to other DTH services in India. The picture and sound is average, just like Tata sky or dish TV..
Suddenly after two weeks, my service got cut – I am getting a message – “Please subscribe to the channel” for all the channels. On the same day I called their useless call center and reported the matter. The fellow told he is activating the account and asked me to wait for two hours. I waited till next day morning. No results.
Wednesday morning I called again- another lady answered. She promised me that she activated the account again and made me to reset the STB. She asked me to wait for two more hours. Till that evening nothing happened. Also she promised their engineer will visit my place and rectify the problem.
In that evening, I made one more call. I was getting the same reply. After lots of talk, over the phone, the fellow registered a complaint. He promised me that by next day morning 8 O clock their engineer visit my place.. Nothing happened till evening. I called them again – The wonderful excuse I got is - “Please wait, we can’t do anything till 48 hours after launching the complaint”
I waited for 48 hours. Nothing happened. STB is not activated, nobody visited me, nobody called me. I made one more call to these idiots after 48 hours. At that time the fellow just informed me that my account balance is zero. I already paid Rs.700/- at the time of installation, that is two weeks before. Literally I got mad. I explained the situation, but he plainly answered me "We cant do anything on this."
The irony is that only after six, seven phone calls in five days only, these useless people identified that my account balance is zero. Till then they were thinking that it was a technical problem, wasting four days.
I bought Rs.700/- worth vouchers and given to the engineer (the pet name Anil Ambani calls those bastards) who came for the installation (Name of the Engineer is Mr.Charles). That fellow carried away my vouchers and promised me that he will take care of the charging and account. activation. I believed his words and handed over the vouches with him, just like in the case of Dish TV. But till today they didn’t charged it. Also he is not reacahable in any way. They just stolen my vouchers worth Rs.700/-.
Regarding the engineers, at least in my case, the people who came for the installation are unprofessional, Reliance just hired some useless idiots who sits in the road side who can work at a cheap rate and brand them as engineers. They don’t have any manners or behave professional. Another intresting thing is that they never use their mobile phones to call anybody, instead they use the customers phone to call the next customer, which is a shame to a telecom company like Reliance. They are claiming that the mobile connection provided by reliance is a CUG with outgoing barred. But I think the real reason is that they dont want to share the mobile number with any customers.
I requested the call center fellow, ‘Whatever Happened is happened’, I have all the proof of purchase of the STB and the connection, please credit my account as this is a special case. Logically it is useless to purchase the STB without the voucher and no shop is selling that way. Now I am a victim of betrayal and money loss. The answer they have given is “No, we cant do that, their stupid process don’t not allow that”. None of these call center agents don, t have the attitude to help or solve the problem.
The solution they have suggested me is amazing - go back to the shop you purchased the STB and explain the situation and ask for the vouchers. I am sure that the shop is nothing going to do about this. I don’t have any idea how can I trace back the installation fellow. Even though I got him back, it is very difficult to prove this, unless I don’t use some force, which is again a pain. And going for a police complaint for Rs.700/- is waste of time. For a customer, there is no access to any of the top management fellow who is capable of taking some decisions.
More than losing the money, by purchasing the Big TV, I wasted lot of time (including writing this review) and the peace of mind. The issue is a little bit emotional as far I and my family is considered, because all of us (especially my child) dreamed about watching some programs with the DTH service.
Believe me, now I have only frustration in this matter. I lost all my hope and enthusiasm to watch Television with Big TV Service. Please understand the peace of mind have a value more than billion than the Rs.500/- or Rs.600/- Anil Amabai discounts for you. After giving this little benefits, they will trap you and treat you like a begger.
If Reliance is not going to give me back the vouchers, I am going to throw away everying at their face and planning to go with Tata Sky.
September 28th - Today morning I visited the shop where I purchased the STB. I was shocked to know that I am not alone, they did the same for two three other customers. Now everybody is coming and shouting at him. One fellow already thrown out the STB and terminated the connection. The shop is trying to contact the sales team. They already stopped the sale of BIG TV. But he is not assuring anything regarding the vouchers. He already given me an offer to migrate to Dish TV or Tata Sky.
September 30th - Few more phone calls to the customer care. Again I went back to the shop and shouted at them. The shop manager, from his personal contacts, given me the number of a senior manager in Reliance and asked me to contact him. I called him and infomed my hardships. He is a nice man and promised me to solve the issue in two days.
October 2nd - That man put my problem acorss the right dpeartment. I started recieving the channels as per the South Pack. But BIG TV again sucked me in two areas.
They actaivated another regional langauage pack, than I requested
They didnt activated Rs.200/- voucher which is for Star Sports, Star Cricket and ESPN
I complained the above. They told they will change the regional package, but no promises on the Rs. 200/- voucher.