Please dont go for bigtv dth service. Its really a fraud business. I have purchased big tv on 03-dec-08 and the person who installed big tv was activated a wrong package for me.
Actually i have paid for south smart package (2690.00), but unfortunately that person activated a wrong package package for me. Regarding this issue, i have called to big tv customer care (18002009001) for more than 12 times and requested for correct package. But till now my problem has not resolved.
Whenever i call to cc, i repeatedly hearing same answer that, "we have filed your complaint, your problem will get resolved within 48 hours of time".
I have also spoken with cc supervisors and discussion almost went to extreme and hot and finally they said again the same dialogue "we have filed your complaint, your problem will get resolved within 48 hours of time".
By that time...i also contacted local bigtv office and they also agree that thats big tvs mistake and they have to resolve this issue. And they also spoke with cc and requested for alternative package (2190/-) where i can get most telugu channels, they agree to change...
But till date (almost 1 month is over) no reply from them and issue is still existing...
They have also bluffed me by giving false information regarding activation of correct package and also told that you will get a call from big tv executives regarding your problem. They also bluff me by telling "this is final word..your problem will resolved asap and within 24hrs to 48 hrs.
And also e-mailed info@bigtv for several times but no reply.
I was really frustrated with their careless answers and after highly frustrated, requested for cancelling bigtv, collecting their equipment and asked for my money back. After hearing their reply, i was really shocked. They asked me contact the vendor where i brought the bigtv and handover the equipment there.they not refund any money back. Simply frauding people here by advertsing like " 1 million happy big tv customers. Im planning to approach the consumer forum and seek justice for all the troubles that we have gone through by opting for a big tv connection.
Please let me know if anyone ready to join with me and also i will be happy if anyone can provide inputs to "how to contact consumer forum effectively"