I have purchased bigtvs 1 year connection some 3 months back and ever since it is full of troubles.
To start with the installation took 13 days and it worked fine after that for some days(at the max a week), after which I was not able to see most of the channels, and none of the bigtv customer care executives was aware of this problem. I have to call the ISP guy who turned up after 4 days and said that it was an issue with the installation(he admitted that the equipment was in bad shape at the time of installation). Well he fixed the issue and it worked fine for 2 weeks.
After two weeks every 2nd friday it use to stop working as the ISP guy didnt submitted the papers and after 48 hours of the complaint it use to start working.
Somehow after couple of months ISP guy submitted the papers and we got 24days of uninterrupted signal.
Then suddenly one day I saw the message "Please subscribe to this channel" for all of the channels(some kannada channels are coming) on my TV screen. On calling I came to know that my subscription got over. On detailed encountering of teh call center guys I came to know that my account was never under 1 year plan. It seems like the ISP guy took my recharge vouchers and is now vanished. This happened to all of the 4 neighbors of mine.
Big TV customer care promised that this problem will be solved within 48 hours and now after some 15calls and 13 days of harassment at the hands of bigtv customer care(trust me they are not friendly at all), I am opting for DISHTV.
The bottom line is no matter what happens