I bought Big TV Setup box in Bangalore on 5th Sep 2008. After trying customer for nearly 3 hrs, I got some one to answer my call, but to un-fortunately the customer service representative informed me that his system is not working and not able to take up installation request. So I had to hang up. Again after trying their number for 2 hrs I reached the representative.
This time it was lady, she took our request and said that within 72 hrs the Installation Engineer will call and fix up appointment. after nearly waiting for 5 days I called up customer care again. This time I shocked to see that there was no installation request. After nearly arguing with the representative I noticed that if the representative does not issue work order number than he/she is just acting to take the order. This I think is due to over subscription and there are not many engineers to install.
Lesson : When you give the installation request, ask for Work order Number.Again after getting the work order number, I am still waiting for installation. In between I again spoke to the customer care and they again shocked me. They said their system says that it has already installed. After arguing with them nearly for 10 mins I was convinced that the Big TV centre at Bangalore has just updated the system where as in actual the have not done any installation. These were to eye wash the head office in Mumbai and take the credit that the requests are done with in the time specified.
There was no contact address or numbers for Bangalore office. In the meantime I registered two complaints for not yet doing the installation. I think the Customer care has standard reply for any questions. For complaints they say it will addressed in 48 hours. But even after 7 days I have not received single call from them.
I have very serious doubts about the BIG TV service; I would say "No service".Imagine when there is no service for a new customer; I am sure the service existing customer could be really poor.
Very few points about BIG TV
Very bad service.
No Commitment
No Proper Planning
No organising skills
Very Bad Customer Support
Very poor Field Staff
Money making minds
Given least importance to Service Quality
I think BIG TV Managers are more interested in making money rather than providing quality service.