I bought Big Average TV(I would like to call it that way always) three weeks back, but till now it is not properly installed. It took 20 days for them to install it, but till now there is no Audeo. Whenever I call up the customer care they would give me a complaint number and would tell that issue will be rectified within next 48hours, but when I call up after 48 hours, the comlaint would be closed without doing anything. Then they would give another complaint ticket and would tell me the same thing, and again I would call up after 48 hours and the ticket would be closed by that time. Now I stopped booking compalaints, because there is no use doing it.
I actually wanted to buy SunTV DTH, but the dealer who deals both Sun and Big Average TV talked me into buying this stuff. The dealer had offered me that within next 48 hours the installation would be complete and I would be able to view all the channels.
The problems I am facing with Average TV are multifold:
1) No audeo
2) Some black patch is flashing on the screen twice in a second, really irritating one.
3) I bought South Delight pack with Malayalam pack, but the pack I am getting is different and there are only around 50 channels available
4) The STB hangs and to change the channel I need to power cycle it.
5) Most of the keys on the STB/Remote are not working
6) Extremely bad support
I warn everyone to be careful about the competitive pricing, as we know they have tricked customers with reliance mobile. It could very well be a trick to catch the customers initially and later charge them exorbitantly. You have to be very careful about the persons who come for installation, they have tricked me as well on couple of occasions.
After a Month
After waiting for more than a month they have replaced both STB and Smart card and it is working alright now. The STB hanging problem still persists and customer care is still poor.