Big tv is coming with more then 160 channels with some great packages to choose from. here I am listing the package information which I have collected if you have any additional then please reply with listings
- Starter Pack
Total Channels: 93
Including: *
UTV Channels, Sony Channels, Star Channels, Most of popular Channels of
Zee, Ten Sports, Sahara Channels, Most of News Channels and Business
Channels *
Price: **Rs 175.
- Sport 1 Plus
Total Channels: 2
Chanenls: Star Sports, ESPN
Price: **Rs. 40
- Sport 2 Plus
Total Channels: 2
Chanenls: Neo Sports, Neo Cricket
Price: Rs. **40
- Uni. Plus
Total Channel: 1
Channel: Star Cricket.
Price: Rs **25.
- Hindi Movie Plus:
Total Channel: 3
Channel: Filmy, Zee Cinema, Zee Premier
Price: **Rs. 25
- *English Movie Plus:
Total Channel: **3
Channel: HBO, World Movies, Zee Studio
Price: **Rs. 25
So the grand total will be Rs. 330/-
its really a good package and I am happy with the channel selction