Bell rings, Automated Voice Response connects the call; your customer no. hits your ear as somebody has fired a round through AK 56; then it will make you press almost all the numbers on the keypad and then a recorded message. Our all CC executives are busy your call will be attended in next five minutes and this message repeats many times.
They will test your patience and when you are fed up and about to bang the phone one executive will come on the line to help (do they really help?) you.
You got it right, Reliance Digital TV main aapka swagat hai. After two years of ownership I am writing this review. I have Airtel DTH at my home and at the same time my parents got Reliance for them and our problems started. Almost every alternate month I have to go through the above procedure for Reliance.
Customer care executives are worst; they interpret the rules in their own way. When they want you to recharge they will call you many times but when your money is with them then who the hell are you? They never bother to confirm the recharge and if they confirm they are not oblige to honour the contract.
Three months back I paid for one year subscription with Marathi as a regional top up with Rs. 5 per month so I paid Rs. 60 for 12 months along with my package recharge. I MADE THEM (yes, you have to force them) confirm through Email and through SMS. Everything was fine for 3 months and one day I got a SMS saying my account balance is low, when enquired I found they have activated some different package that to on monthly basis, it took 3 days to settle the issue. This is only one instance; if I write every experience I have to type two more pages for that.
Visiting charge of Airtel is Rs. 100 whereas of Reliance is Rs. 175.
Airtel Customer care is excellent, packages are more transparent and no problem with the hardware – only one problem in last 2 years with Airtel and plenty of problems with Reliance whether it is related to STB, customer care or changing the packages for robbing money.
So, should I recommend Reliance Big TV to others? No way!!