I am not a BIGTV CUSTOMER. I have given the rating as it is mandatory to write this review. I would like to point out some important aspects about this war going on between BIGTV and its CUSTOMERS.
Almost ninety percent of the customers who have purchased the DIGITAL SET TOP BOX from BIGTV are complaining about the delay in installation and trouble in contacting the customer care.
I would not only scold BIGTV but also the customers for these troubles. Whenever a new product is launched in the market, we have to wait for some months to get a complete picture about the quality, customer service, pros and cons of that product.
But what happened in case of BIGTV is the customers just stupidly went for that product in a hurry by just seeing their attractive advertisement and they have been clearly cheated due to their stupidity.
This is a lesson for all of us. Whenever a new product is launched, just wait for some months, analyze the pros and cons of the product and if you are satisfied about the product after that, then go for it. Dont fall prey for these cheap marketing strategies of corporates.