The very reason why I came to is just to vent my frustrations on BigFlix by writing a review here. I have done everything else possible to get back at them but to no avail. Hope this helps some poor fellas like me who fall for promising advertising and tend to compare US with India.
I joined BigFlix 2 months back and have ever since been waiting to have a DVD delivered to me. I had more than 5 movies in my queue. Initially they never got delivered, so I had to run around to talk to their customer care to have atleast start the delivery. The first DVD that arrived for so scratched that I could not watch it on any of my DVD players or laptops.
I had it returned and had another one delivered to me, which yet again was scratched beyond recognition and I could not watch it again. Also, the movies that I really felt like watching were either not available in Delhi or were out of stock so they could not be added to the queue. Finally, I ordered another DVD which wasnt scratched but I received the wrong DVD inside the right cover. Imagine the height of carelessness and poor service that they did not even check the disc before delivery.
I finally gave up, was enough frustrated so I then decided to cancel my Rs. 299 pm plan and I called up BigFlix customer care 3 days in
advance to my billing date to
cancel my membership account, returned all the movies I had with me,
and also had a representative visit me to fill the cancellation form
which was duly filled and counter signed by their representative 2 days in advance to my due
date. But even then, just as I feared and no matter how many times I
had warned these guys over the phone (this is pathetic), my Credit Card account was again charged Rs. 299 for the next month.
THIS WAS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. My account was however closed
later and I was booted off their system within 2 days. Its been more than a month now and I still have not been
refunded ANY amount, neither for the Security Deposit (of Rs. 400) nor
for the subscription fees of Rs. 299 which was inappropriately
charged to my account for the month I never used the services of. I wrote these guys a couple of emails, called their customer care center a number of times but each time I got the answer that they are supposedly looking into it and will revert which they never did. I am very dissapointed with BigFlix services and their customer support.