Hi All,
I had taken a Single disc plan in Big flix and was extremely happy with the service and the infrasturcture they had. This continued for 1 month then started the real struggle. I ordered a DVD via internet and after 4 complaints one guy came and kept a small note stating that "OOPS! WE MISSED YOU" again the same old story, I called them again and again and after some 6 days the guy came to collec the DVD but not to give the DVD which I ordered.
this continued for 15 days and fed up of the continuous calls to customer care and requesting them to check the issue. they will always reply me with a simple SORRY but the issue wont be resolved.
Out of the total 2 month I got only 3 dvds and I spent 300 bucks as a monthly rental. It seems really foolish! I spent nearly 300 -400 buck s in calling them and posting the complaints.
I fed up of the service and tried to cancel the account. NOW THE REAL STORY STARTED. I am unable to cancel my account @ internet. and when I told the same to the customer care.they simply said its not working and u should visit stores to have the cancellation. I am so frustrated and tried to contact the manager. She told me that she will be calling me in 2 hrs but its been nealry 10 days and no response from them.