I do not recommend big flix at all. Here are my experience in last 30 days with them
-> They took 7 days to open my membership, till they give me membership id I can not use online services (Like queuing movies etc). And I got this after calling them at least 5 times. Evey time they gave me a ticket/ complain number etc...
- > You need to follow the below steps to watch a movie..
Step1 : Queue lot of movies ( I queue 10 movies and for a week I didnt get any movie, when asked they told me none of the movie I have listed is available !!!!
Step2: Ask for pick up
step3 : You wont be told which movie is coming next OR when
So next step is a must
Step4: PRAY**.And one day you will get the movie you want ( The day, month will be decided by BigFlix)
-> For a week I didnt get any movie because their "system" recorded that I still had a movie, which I did not. They dont give you any receipt to tell you if you have given or taken a movie!! now thats really funny and silly. I can accept System" errors.. but the customer care was suppose to call me and they never did.. neither did I because now I have given up and accepted that my money is wasted
-> So at the end of 30 days I have watched just 2 movies and paid some 300 bucks and 400 deposite.