BigFlix is an absolute headache for people lured in with the proposal and looking for hiring its services.
The problem with bigflix is that they do not deliver what they promise. The major issues me and my friends have faced due to bigflix are-
They promise something but never deliver it.
they keep on changing their policies and terms and conditions time to time suiting their needs and not bothered to inform customers.
They never deliver on time. The period is too flexible and you end up waiting for the delivery even though if you have given pick up on time
A majority of their DVDs are faulty and scratched. On complaining they just say that they can look into the issue but never do anything about it actually and continue to deliver the faulty titles
sometime they auto select and manipulate your queue and give you titles you never have asked for
They skip delivery on holidays etc but never compensate it
They take the money on advance but makes the refund a big pain for the customer.
Their communications are often misleading and improper. they have no sense of commitment
call centre executives doesn/t understand the customer issues and always comes with standard replies
the titles as available with them are quite outdated and it is better to have TV with cable to watch newer movies than from bigflix
You cannot play their all DVDs in your laptop. region code is a big problem and the quality of DVD is infected which corrupts your system however original they claim to be.
Subscribe to bigflix if you do not bother as to how is your money or your customer issues or service is being treated. Since you have paid the money, you have to bear the consequnces as their customer care is good for nothing.