Havent written many reviews, so please pardon me if you dont like it. been using bigflix for 3 months now and totally loving their service. movies delivered on time basically if you enter your request for pickup by 3AM then the pickup and delivery will be done the same day. they get the latest movies, and loads of them, hindi and english.
Though one might not be able to get the latest movies from the que list but have generally seen that the new ones are almost always available at their stores (generally within reliance webworld stores). the only concern is that during last 3 months the delivery has sometimes (3-4 times) at around 10pm in night, which is bit late. otherwise love it.and yeah its zillion times better than seventymm and just slightly better than moviemart cause bigflix has the edge of having walk in stores aswell.and one becomes store member by being member of bigflix, one can use any bigflix store in the city and may be country.thanks for reading cheers