So you have had your share of boring daily soaps, songs on music channels are sounding repitative, news channels are micro analysing things you already know of and the sporadic 20-20 match is the only interesting thing left to view on TV- tune in to Big Boss -9.
This is the place where a bunch of wanna bes and would have beencelebs jostle for screen space and hound each other for your attention.
A reality show which is basically non scripted but sure enough each character has been briefed how to carry himself in his role. The golden rule for each character remains - to be as entertaining as possible.
Though as a viewer you will seldom find any person or event entertaining throughout. over a period of time you are sure to find yourself sympathizing with a contestant who becomes your favourite.
Changing dynamics between contestants, groupism and gossips will hold your attention, while the creative team will ensure enough fodder is supplied to satisfy the viewers appetite for a blossming love story or an underlying enimity between two individuals.
80% Eliminations are predictive with the most un-entertaining contestant being evicted and wild card entries inducted from time to time to enthuse new life into an otherwise dying plot.
As always you have a pretty foreign damsel who struggles with Hindi -as the hosts pet; an over enthusiastic winner of some other reality show, some real life couples to add spice, some cool headed guys and some hot headed gals each struggling to potray himself as the star of the show, vying for your attention and having their own share of mood swings and home sickness to deal with.
Having Salman as the host helps retain TRPs which could have plumetted anytime, but for weekends where interactions between host and contestants manage to hold your attention week after week.
Recommended for viewing only if other stuff on TV bores you, or if you have a keen interest in human psycology or if, like many others out are aSalman ka Fan.