Bigg boss is the reality show which hosted by NTR in maa tv
This is the first kind of show with good concept keeping 14 participents in one house with no communication to outside world for 70 days it is very difficult to be like that in now a days
The selection of participaints is quiet different there no ones behaviour or attitude is not same being in one house with different mentalities is very difficult
Big boss keeps different tasks to maintain the entertainment in the show which makes not to feel bore to watch it
This show started with 14 participents now remaining 6 participents only last week of the show is remaining which became more intresting now
Hari teja and shivbalaji is the strongest in the house its my opinion
NTR hosting is pretty awesome
In the house the paricipents are knowing there falues and trying to correcting which will help them in future life
And Finally whoever the winner may be the participents who are comming out of the house became popular then before they are.