Yes big boss season 10 is most incredeble seson in bigg boss history man, its damn good , because this season comes with a twist of contastants , they call. Comman man vs the mostly favs face from hindi reallity show , so the fights between celebrities vs comman man , people likes this type fights , Look at the different type of bigg boss season 10 is that , this season ckmes with most contarovarsy , by the mad , crazy om baba , he did everything that in bigg boss neveer heppened in all searies of bbs10 , but in this season we can see the real friendship of two guys , they are best contastants of this season , they call Manu punjabi , & Manveer , they are the cool entertainers , they entertains in every day , and manveer proved in himself in bungee tast he proved manhood thats all so watch out this coolest season thanxx