I have been recently shopping with Bigshoebazaar.com. I find it’s the best place to get the latest and trendy shoes, you can find almost all new trends and brands. Few things I liked about Bigshoebazaar.com. I impressed very much with the item what I buy from them and the service they are giving is simply super like live chat and product status etc.
One thing I very impressed is exchange specialty. I never expect such a nice collection and range of fashion goods in it.When I bought T-shirts and request them to exchange, they responded quickly and helped me a lot. I am buying online from last 3 years and have experience of shopping from many Indian shopping sites including ebay, shoppers stop, future bazaar and many more.
I made 5/6 purchase in BigshoeBazaar since 2007.One thing I can say that I didnt find any match of them in terms of speed of delivery consistently. It never took more than 4 days(except once) to reach product to me.The variety and quality of products are also very good.Recently they have started selling apparels and provided some excellent bargains on brands like Wrangler, Reebok etc time to time.
May be I am one of the lucky customers who did not face any issue with them.But from my experience I didnt get impression that they are cheat or sort of that. The shoe I got also of the same dito of the foto they shown. There are 5-6 fotos of the product when you can see the product thorough b4 the purchase. You have to ensure the size of your shoe. after delivery if you found out that the size is not matching to you, simply return it. They ll send the size you asks. If you are not okey by the product, they are offering cash back with maximum of Return shipping charges of Rs 100/- with entire money paid by you. I havent any experience of return & refund of money! The manager was in a denial mode right from the word go and kept on saying that the lot I had ordered for was defective and so was sent back to the vendor(I had already confirmed at the time of purchase that the stock was fresh) and that I can place an order later on but when I checked the site again the price of the same pair had shot to Rs1311/- . I would suggest everybody to think twice before placing an order especially if you are paying online because these people may easily con you of your money and plainly deny any of their fault. After purchasing the Fila shoe for Rs 1999/-, I got a gift voucher of Rs 101/-. By using this gift voucher, again I purchased one pair of ladies sandals of Rs 119/- for which they charges Rs 45 for Shipping charges. I paid only Rs 63/- after adjusting the gift voucher. If v r purchasing by using the gift voucher, there is no option to cancel or charge the product & also no option to select Cash on Delivery. V need to make payment if V R purchasing by using a gift voucher.