Recently I was looking for a pair of shoes but did not have time to go for shopping especially for it.On searching google, I came across I purchased a pair of shoes from the site. The things that I liked was online chat system that cleared my doubts then and there and quality of service. Prices are reasonable given the brands available are Lee Cooper, woodland etc.
Person can choose from many designs available. At this moment , what I can say that bigshoebazaar is a good place to purchase shoe as it provides widerange of shoes, free shipping and quick redressal of all your queries or complains you have and free replacement if shoe size doent fit you. I have yet to see the quality of shoe being purchased . But, then I have purchased pair of shoes from liberty retail showroom and was aghast by the quality of shoe. I didnt last even a year. In brief, is a great and nice place to get one a pair of good shoes.