Highly commendable job by bigshoebazaar that they are providing lots of choices at one place. Its like I am able to choose from over 30 brands and over 1500 products at the same time and at same place. The best thing I liked about it was I am not a credit card holder but this site offers me DD payment or cash on delivery though I expected being cash on delivery my delivery would be a bit delayed but to my surprise I got my order on the 5th day. I had ordered an official sandal from "Bags n More" brand and the quality was really really good and I am now a proud customer of bigshoebazaar.com.
Such an experience what I believe is I couldnt have got when I shop personally. now for me no more spending time and walking in and out of showrooms for my desired sandals and casuals when I have the best option in the form of bigshoebazaar.com I will definitely recommend my all friends to buy from bigshoebazaar