Bike India is the only magazine which talks about each & every thing about bikes.
I like the reviews. Thier ride safe section is the best section in the magazine. Because this section gives useful tips for safe biking.
? Will be India’s most authoritative motorcycle Two wheeler Magazine
? Has the most authoritative test team
? Deliver the definitive verdict on machinery, performance, accessories & Kit
? The information will be delivered in a friendly, accessible and light hearted style
? Will be the soundtrack to mainstream riders biking life
? culture and heritage.
? Delivers the news almost as it happens
? Will take the newest bikes and strips them threadbare to see what makes them tick
? An appreciation
? Extreme speed, Danger, Technology, Courage & Superhuman skills of Bike racing
? Will go behind the scenes to understand the back-of-beyond needs of bikers.
? Educates and inform the readers in a bid to make motorcycling a responsible and enjoyable form of personal mobility.
? International experts to expound their biking views and philosophy(the latter a very profound aspect in biking circles).
? Will go anywhere in the world to ride a bike worthy of interest to its readers
? It is not just about what happens but, its about why?*