Shine is a very good bike because am the user of this bike.This bike is easy to compatible in any middle class. This bike is very smoothly and cheap. Any middle and lower class family can buy that bike easily. This bike is compatible and easy to use in any hills area.As compare to other bike this bike is very lightly weighted. This bike is giving more average and give a good services provided.Many person to buy that product and m also use the product. This product is provided good efficiency. This bike is use in Himachal Pradesh easy because in HP the road is very dangerous so this bike is lightly and easy to use. Many new new bike is coming in day by day but that bike are very healthy and only two person are sit. But shine bike easily to comfortable sit in 3. Maximum students are using that bike because they know very well that is provided maximum average and easy to use and no any dangerous in our lf.
It is a computer bike 125cc. Everything is alright in this bike. It is used the economic and used welfare to societies.
Features of bike:-* Easy to use.
Finance plans:- Shine bike there is no fixit downpayment. I am buying that bike in diwali festivals 2016 and that time I giving the 5999 payment in downpayment
Services and Support: this bike is provided the good services and we can easy to trouble shoot that bike