This is my experience with billdesk when I made a payment to my sbi card through citibank gateway, it does not show up in my sbi card account even after 15 days though the payment was successful and the amount was debited from my citibank.
I sent nearly 20 mails to billdesk and then never reply nor attend the calls. the Billdesk is fraud service and they cheat people . I recommend not to use bildesk for any payments. I think the banks should remove the billdesk as the payment gateway in order to protect their customers from such frauds.
In addition they never send any acknowledgement for the payment and the functionality or use of the website is not proper, the register or the support options on their website do not work.
I stongly recommend not to use Billdesk for any bill or other payments. My rating is 0 out of 10 for billdesk and their services