Hello jii day this is my review to billion capture plus 32GB variant guys in this phone you get a fingerprint scanner that is very effective in every manner but you cannot take selfie using this this is only for security purposes. No coming to the camera quality the camera quality of this one is very very good on the real you get two cameras one is main camera and the second is secondary camera. Both the camera are of 13 megapixel. The front camera is of 8 megapixel. I bought it from the original and official website of the bilion smartphone that is brilliant.in and you will not believe that it came in just 2 days. It has been pending on the rear and the touch is very very effective it has dual true flash on the real for the best camera experience and you can get very very good photos from this phone and you can use them as your Facebook or WhatsApp DP. It comes with 32 GB of ROM and 3 GB of RAM and the pricing is 10999. At the other variant that is 64 GB ROM and 4 GB RAM is of 12999. I suggest you to buy this phone off the red variant it looks very good. And this is also the best phone of the November 2017.