Delhi-Dhaka. Forced to take Biman as no other flights. Paid top fare as no discounts - in fact same fare as London-Delhi! Crew were awful. They ignored requests for blankets for the infant, ordered passengers around and were very unhelpful with the pram. The screen did not work (on both ways) and so could not see any of the security demonstrations but it did not bother them. They made us sweat in the plane for absolutely ages before we had any aircon. The food was very poor quality and the drinks choice was lemonade, cola or water - thats it! Filthy plane with ripped fittings. The crew did not check seat belts or close any trays and were no help at all with the infant belt. There seem to be many ranks of crew who ordered the lower ranks around! Many seats are taken up by free passengers who work for the airline or government. Use this airline at your peril!