The only reason I have Bing on my computer is that when you have Windows 10, it shoves Microsoft Edge and Bing down your throat. Its not like I willfully downloaded it or anything.
I decided to give it a try because sometimes one requires content thats outside the ambit of Googles algorithm. A different set of search results can be helpful at times.(I remember a lot time ago I used to search on Ask Jeeves, and the results were interesting).
Well, Bing isnt helpful at all. To put it simply, Bing is useless. It cant even deliver the obvious results that one would get using clearly defined keywords. In comparison with Google, its just awful. Its Image search is marginally better - but cannot compete with Google.
The landing page is also irritating. It has a news feed that serves you all the typical "Godi Media" news. standard right wing stuff. distorted, untrue and misleading. You wont come face to face with such nonsense when you use Google.
So bottom-line: Use Google. Forget Bing - it sucks.