Bingo potato chips is very tasty and crunchy to eat.Firstly, I did not know about this bingo chips I have only tried lays chips then my friends suggested to eat this chips.Then I ate these bingo potato chips it was so tasty.
Now, bingo has introduced many snacks like bingo yumitos, bingo mad angles, bingo tedha medha and bingo tangles.These snacks contain various flavours like -
Bingo yumitos has cream and onion, premium salt, red chilli, fiery red tomato etc.,
Bingo mad angles has tomato, masala, chaat masti etc.,
Bingo chips has salt and chilli flavours.,
Bingo tangles has tomato and salt flavours.,
The packaging of this bingo chips is well and quite attractive.If anyone want to eat something spicy, then I recommend to try this chips because it tastes so good.