I read a few sour reviews for this product, so I thought Ill put in my two cents worth.
Ive personally not used this product, never needed to so far. But my mother has had very good results with it, and Im writing on her behalf.
My mother is wheatish-to-fair complexioned, and developed a rather unsightly pigmentation problem on her nose and cheeks. Especially the tip and bridge of her nose were purplish black, if you observed closely, you could see black spots with a purple penumbra around them.
Over the years, she tried every thing from black head removal to prescription medicines, to no noticeable effect. After 23 years of dealing with the problem, a beautician friend suggested Biotiques coconut milk cream. She warned us that the thing works very slow, but after 23 years, what was a few months? SO mom would apply a thin coating to the area after her nightly face wash and let it sit overnight. No change at first, but she stuck with it. 6 months later, the area was visibly lighter. Within a year, the area cleared out completely, and has never come back since.
Note, no other medication, diet change or skin care regimen overlapped with this product.
Great product, we love it!
Yes it is slow, but all skin issues are slow to fix in general. Worht the weight!