Whats to say? The website says it is soap-free, but it doesnt say either way on the bottle, which makes me mad. Buyers make decisions at the store shelf, and dont want to come home, check a website to see if the damn product is soap-free or not.(Whats wrong with you, Biotique people? The stuff is good, so why wont you put information where it needs to show? Are you trying to NOT sell this product?)
Which brings me to a question: if there is no soap, how does it foam so well? The ingredient list has only herbs in it, but is the list comprehensive? Id like to know what, if not soap or sulfates, makes the stuff foam so well. Spill it, biotique.
The gel is not too solid, I hate those gunky types - this one flows smooth, a little is enough, and it does the job. I mean, if a face wash doesnt leave your skin burning or dried out, I guess you should be happy. Yeah feels fresh, clean, hm. But honestly, I think any decent face wash will do that. You will need to rinse really well, there is this weird slippery feeling even after youve rinsed, but Ive gotten used to that over the years.
Whats truly great about honey gel is the fragrance. I LOVE it - I think the freshness you feel after a good face wash has more to do with the smell than with any superior cleaning action. I mean, how dirty can your face get, unless you work with grease and stuff? But yeah, this thing smells so good, it is an instant mood pick-up. Another nice thing about it, it has a slight astringent action - I notice my pores close up right after I use it. so thats another nice plus.
I also occasionally use Himalayas neem face wash, but I prefer Honey Gel over the former.
I just did a price check, and the himalaya wash is priced at Rs.45 for 60g, while Honey Gel is priced at Rs.135 for 110 ml. So what does that mean? I havent a clue, though I can tell there is a lot more Honey Gel in the bottle than there is himalayas wash in the tube. And Honey Gels bottle weighs substantially heavier too.
So, while the two probably are not as starkly different in price as it seems, I am sure Honey Gel is the pricier of the face wash gels out there. That said, one bottle of the stuff does last a respectably long time, so I dont mind all that much. But this in turn means that if you are the kind that gets bored with the same bottle on your shelf for months, and like to change things frequently, you might get mighty tired of 110 ml of face wash. So see what works for you.
Importantly, the stuff is mild and doesnt cause weird reactions. If you are sensible about using just enough of the stuff, the thing doesnt dry out your skin either. In winter I always moisturize(my favorite moisturizer is half a spoon of rosewater(dabur)+ 1 drop of coconut oil rubbed between palms and smoothed on face and neck), and if you have dry skin, do moisturize after wash, but normal and oily skin types will be fine even otherwise with this stuff.
So thats all, folks: Pricey, pretty bottle, lasts long, works well and stays mild, and smells like heaven.