Its winter, the cozy weather, the steaming cups of coffee, christmas, new years eve... everything seems so perfect, so dreamy! Then you come crashing down to earth when you happen to wear a black t-shirt and discover little white flakes all over it!! Dont panic, you have dandruff, and yes, it attacks some of us during winter.
Calm down, its not terminal. You just have to deal with it and the best way to do that is pick up a bottle of Biotiques Margosa Leaf shampoo. A very mild shampoo, it is really effective, unlike most other dandruff shampoos. It feels a little bit grainy, and doesnt lather much, but youll discover youre dandruff is practically gone after a few washes. Also, you might want to use a conditioner afterwards, since the smell isnt exactly great.
During summer, when your hair always feels oily try out their Green Apple Shampoo which smells delicious and is meant for frequent washes without drying up the hair. Biotique has a range of shampoos for different kinds of hair, be it dry, rough, normal or oily. You just have to walk up to their counter and pick up the one for you. Most of them live up to their claims, and are mild enough not to damage your hair, unlike other harsh shampoos loaded with chemicals.
When you need a stronger shampoo, though, Biotique may not work too well. It truly is very mild, so you may need to use a considerable amount and it may require repeating the lather rinse cycle at least twice, unless used very frequently. Alternating this with a Body Shoppe shampoo each week may be a good idea...
Biotique products are natural and therapeutic, not cosmetic, which is the main reason I strongly recommend their shampoos. Another is an animal lover, like me, would totally appreciate that they dont test their products on animals. With the kind of pollution our hair is exposed to, and the stress we deal with, we need a chemical-free cleansers to keep our hair healthy. Its time to go natural, so go the biotique way, with no chemicals, just great hair!