As a parent, I have nothing but appreciation for this school. I was brought up in Bangalore and so have seen and heard about almost every school here. I did not study in Cottons but all I have to say is that I was misled earlier about all kinds of stories of how only the elite who can affort to pay lakhs can go to this school. My daughter is now in Cottons and let me tell you that the fee structure is extremely reasonable compared to the numerous "international" schools in Bangalore.
As far as the parent who was complaining that he had a horrible experience with admissions: Patience is the first thing you need to teach yourself when it comes to your children. Sorry that you didnt have time. And for the other girl who says that she is a student and has nothing nice to say about the school- Sorry girl but I think Cottons is doing the right thing by throwing you out.
And having studied in a co-ed school in Bangalore, way back in the 80s, I know what exactly goes on in schools. If your child is raised right, you will never be put in a situation where you will blame the school. Education starts at home. But on the whole, I was confused about this school when it came to my daughters admissions but now I cannot be more convinced. :)