My boyfreind and I went to Bistro Claytopia for our Anniversary. He rented the exhibition room and filled it with flowers, candles and gifts. It was so warm and cozy.
They lowered the lights in the entire area inside. We were served green apple slushies and then we painted candle holders that he had asked them to pencil in and keep, with hearts and mexican designs that I loved. Then we were served dinner.
The chicken salad was excellent. We had Spicy chicken strips next, which was very good as well. He followed it up our favorites, his Bistro lamb burger and my spicy chicken burger. We finished it with a chocolate mousse cake that they made for us which was divine. We ended the night with thier Caramel Coffee which I couldnt finish.. I would have loved to though.
It was the nicest thing he did for me. They gave us a lot of privacy and the place smelled lovely. I think the effort they made to make us comfortable is commendable. The manager of the studio ensured our privacy while getting us what we wanted.....Thank you.