This is my third year in BITS, Pilani...and I can clearly
see the change in myself. Of course, being a student of BITS,
i know I might tend to exaggerate things a bit...but BITS is
definitely unique. Its not just the education im talking about - there are
a lot more things...things like OASIS, APOGEE, BOSM and so on....
all these things amidst the countless number of tests, assignments and so on..
Its really amazing for outsiders to see the students organize the festivals. We have a lot of departments
for the various functions, like say, theres a department called department of reception and accomodation which takes care
of people comin from other colleges, dept. of sponsorship and marketing to get the money from the companies, theres art and decoration painting the beautiful structures and backdrops and a lot of talented people in various clubs like dance club, music club, mime club and so on...
Guess itll take a lot of pages to just write about all the departments and clubs....but to see all the people working towards a common cause of making the festivals a success is really wonderful!!
U just have to see it to believe it!!
and of course, like every other college, we have a unique culture ;), we have our own slang!!
and the best thing(or the worst??) is that we are cut off from the rest of the world!!...we are abt 6 hrs away from delhi and I guess that says it all...
People here are extremely helpful....u didnt understand anything about that differential equations....okay....come to my room tonight and ill teach you or no money left in the account??...wait till I go to the bank tday
and after all the tough classes, many go to cnot - the hangout place of BITS, to just have a cup of coffee ;)
and with BITS going cellular recently, its no longer tough to keep in touch.
and all this is nothing if I dont tell u people about the most beautiful campus ull ever come across!!! with trees everywhere. Lot of people (myself included!!!) think that BITS is in a desert....but the moment u look around, u see that everythings just green. Then, we have the stylish old buildings and the grey-haired intelligent, friendly and determined professors (their experience is twice our age!!!), the harsh climate(theres a joke - if one can survive in BITS, then he can live anywhere on earth)
There are a lot more things to tell, but I cant...because I gotto go and study - lot of tests coming up!!!