A Bit Torrent or simply torrent is a commonly used word these days. I had been hearing this word for a long time, but came against it, only a few months back when my friend told my that he downloads using torrents. When the first time I used it, I couldnt understand a thing.
Even if I had a lousy start with torrents, later I found out that it is one of the easiest and one of the most effective ways of downloading and uploading files, but with not the highest speed along with some restrictions which doesnt apply to the usual downloads.
Considering the fact that I had some doubts in downloading the torrents, I thought about writing a review on this after clearing most of them, especially because no other review exists on this topic.
You dont need Download Accelerator, GoZilla or any other download manager if you have any torrent client, which is a software which we use to download. The most commonly used ones are Bittorrent, Bittornado, Azuerus, Bitcomet, Torrentflux, G3torrent and Turbotorrent.
This is entirely different from site downloads - the more number of users in a site, the speed may decrease - but in this case, it is better to have more users having the file - it involves a process of downloading as well as uploading also, thus helping others to get the same file you are getting and vice versa.
The file is send as different pieces which makes it easier to recieve, but they may not be usable before downloaded completely unlike the P2P software like Kazaa as well as the usual Download Accelerator which can show us the half downloaded video and audio files. But as the torrent files are spread throughout the net, there is a better chance of finding a file as a torrent and not straight from a site.
After getting one of the clients which I mentioned before, you can download a torrent link with an extension *.torrent and when the download is complete in a few seconds, you can click on that file to start downloading. The uploading is automatically done and in the case of bittornado it is done simultaneusly while bittorrent does it after finishing the download.
The fact is that I personally recommend Bittornado even if it may start from the beginning if improperly shut down. So have an eye on the power supply. You will need to have the latest version of Java if you are to use Azeurus as it is based on Java. You can get most of these clients from download.com or by checking out at the links I have mentioned in the end.
With bittorrent, there is an option to create a torrent all by yourself, with minimum tension. There are different torrent clients for Windows, Linux, Unix, Macintosh etc. So the operating System will not be a problem. I happened to reach a site https://litezone.com/ where they have shown lots of links to click on, for games, movies, softwares, music and lots more.
These torrent files got a wider scope than we can think about getting by usual downloads. I think that it is a real solution for all those problems we have in P2P network as well as the FTP programs which used to make me feel very bad about downloading. If you ar using unlimited internet, this is a must have software for you to get full advantage from the internet.
You can have the following torrent clients from these sites....
Azuerus - https://azureus.sourceforge.net/
Bittornado - https://bittornado.com/
Torrentflux - https://torrentflux.com/
Bittorrent - https://bittorrent.com/
Bitcomet - https://bitcomet.com/
Turbotorrent - https://turbotorrent.com/
G3torrent - https://g3torrent.sourceforge.net/
There are even more torrent clients - I had been using P2P network by Kazaa and Morpheus, but the problem was that I got lots of spyware, adware as well as even some high level viruses from these, which made me format the whole computer as I had no anti-virus then.
Even if I have Avast Antivirus now, the fact that the spyware and adware are going to hunt me, keeps me away from them leading to my attraction to the different torrent sites and thus the files in them.
The only problem is the need to upload regularly - the irregular sharing may lead to restriction from some sites because of the need for everyone to access the downloaded file - the more heart you show to share your files, the better it will be for the others as well as yourself! So choose the type of file you want and simply download.....