I have been using this torrent from last three years and find out one of the best torrent software in the market for downloading any torrent file from it . It has got very simple and nice layout which is simple to understand and simple to use also . It works perfectly fine it has never hanged anytime and you got great option like you can pause and resume any download anytime . And on the left side of torrent you got very helpful option like downloading, seeding, completed and many more which comes very handy . The software size of also very small . It also comes in two option in 32 bits and 64 bits for different kinds of computer . They have upgrade option also for fast and hassle free service like you have to pay$5 for add free in which you will not get any advertisement and another premium one in which you got add free, premium customer service, virus and malware protection while downloading any torrent file and so in around$20 a year . They have also got application for android and apple ios user for their smartphone . And I will definitely recommend this torrent application to everyone . This is all I would like to tell about this torrent application if you guys found this review to helpful then please do like comments on it and do like also .