When the sun shies away to shine and the moon fears away to fade, I’ll always keep smiling. In the end, we all need a box of grand memoirs to take along with us… to the land where we live in harmony. The review is to serve a purpose. I.e. to introduce a website named Bkhush.com.
What is B’Khush?
Well, it’s an E-Magazine. Like we have it here on Mouthshut, the readers and writers share their thoughts to learn more about the Beauty Tips, Fashion Tips, Parenting, Recipes etc.
Topics Covered:
Beauty & Fashion – A column designed for the ideal cosmetic product. Found useful to both men and women.
B’ Healthy – This column features topic related to health.
Parenting – A special column dedicated for Parents. I guess it’s simple and useful to many.
Cheat Sheet – Well, this column is designed to provide tips to manage stuffs better than it is.
Relationships – Most readers find this column more informative than any. It’s mainly because we all deal with different kind of relationships in our daily basis. So, this column features the article based on personal experience and thus makes it more informative.
B’ Creative – This column is to publish our articles. All we have to do is to sign up with the website and upload them.
B’khush is mainly focused for the females; however I find that the topics are useful to Men as well. There were times when I used to grab a magazine and head back home after a tiring day at work to get my mind relaxed. But most of them were complicated to me. I like this website mainly because of its simple presentation of subject. The motive of this page is to keep the readers informed and entertained.
Conclusion: I have been writing on Mouthshut since 2007, and I’m thankful to all my readers and fellow writers. Perhaps, this is one of my shortest reviews on MS. But I hope the message is conveyed. Thank you for taking your time and reading it.