It was high time that Bollywood graduated from all the matka-ghatkas, dhishum-dhishums and the maa-beta sequences and come up with a better creation, which is not just three hours of forgotten entertainment but touches the deepest chord in your heart and changes it for good for the rest of your life.
That’s BLACK for you!
The Plot:
It is a heart-felt story about a blind girl and her teacher.
You have to watch the movie for the rest. Because revealing anything else in the bad language that I have, would be doing un-justice to one of the most brilliant movies of our times.
I walked into the hall with a hope of watching just another much-hyped Hindi movie with a star-cast to die for and well hoping that I would come out dis-appointed as usual with what Bollywood had to offer us for the 3-hour entertainment slot and call it a movie.
For-once I wasn’t dis-appointed. Instead, from the minute I walked out that multiplex, I am a different man.
I have learnt that there is much more to life than what one can see. I have learnt that not everyone in this world has the worldly or god-gifted pleasures, which we do. I have learnt that not everything or everyone around us can have the privileges as we do. I have learnt that we should be thankful for being fortunate enough to be able to live a normal life.
It is very easy for us in this World to accept the norm and live life according to it. Since childhood, we have been brought-up in such a way that we do take certain things for granted and move on in life accepting them. We do not try to follow our hearts and do what we think is right. We tend to give up on things very fast on things we things are right, just because the world says that it is wrong.
Ever heard the phrase, “Man is born free, but is put in chains wherever he goes.”
Well, this movie has taught me that it is time to break those chains. It is time to move around the world freely and do what one thinks is right and needs to be done.
If there is something in which you very firmly believe, no matter what come may, there has always been a way to go around it and there will always be a way to go around. All one need to do is to believe in themselves and follow their Heart. The worldly mind always tries to stop you from doing the right thing because that’s how the world has made it. However, it is the heart that needs to be strong and firm to stand tall and be true.
“Knowledge is Teacher” - A tear rolled down my eye when was heard amongst one of the most silent crowds in a cinema hall. It filled my heart with guilt and shame. It made me remember the times when I was not loyal to whom I should have been and I dis-respected the people who have made our lives livable.
“Hope” is what one should have to succeed in life. Without hope, there can be no future. Even the most ‘pessimistic’ of the people in this world should not lose hope. Its hope that makes the world go round. It is hope for the best that takes us past the difficulties in life into a better future. It is hopes that which makes us want to live; cause today is not the end. There is a tomorrow. Only if we hope for the best can we make it worth living in.
Imagine a World that is totally black. You cannot see a thing. You cannot hear anything. All you can do is feel. For once, try living that way for about an hour in the safeguard of your house that you know by heart. Even the best of your memories won’t serve you right and you will curse the life that you have and would do anything do get out of it.
What if you had this same life each and every single second of your life? Would it really be worth living? Won’t you be cursing god each and every day to make you that way? Won’t you want to die a hundred times each day?
‘BLACK’ portrays that such a so-called miserable life too is worth living. Only if one dreams of coming out of the darkness of their lives, will they be able to see light at the end of the tunnel and eventually see how good and beautiful life can be. It is the dream of leading a life with dignity, pride and honour, which will show you the light even in the darkest of times.
It is one of the most brilliantly made pieces of cinematic excellence in Bollywood for a long, long time. No one should afford to miss this marvel and must witnesses it in the BLACK environment of a cinema hall only. Only than will the true essence of the movie be felt by one and all. And guys, for once stop being a man and carry those tissues along.
Well Done!! – Everyone associated with “BLACK”
+91- 9322640475
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