Before I start let me say I liked Bansalis HDDCS and Khamosi. This movie is based on the life of Helen Keller with some extra peice of fiction, specially the character of Devraj (Amitab). The first half of the movie is excellent, but unfortunately is poorly inspired from the 1962 oscar winning (best actress) movie The Miracle Maker. Many scenes that I liked in the first half were frame by frame copied from this movie. In few lines the story is simple, Rani is blind and deaf and a weired , eccentric and fustrated teacher Devraj takes up the challenge to teach how to read, write and communicate. Over time Devraj starts to lose his memory due to Alzheimer, s disease and is eventully taken care by the blind and deaf Rani. Like many other reviewers I also like the young Rani. She did an excellent job. However as soon as Rani enters the screen I dont get the feeling she is blind and deaf. The most basic thing about a blind and deaf people is that they have expression very different from normal human beings because they have never learned/seen this expressions from their parents or others. Though Bachchan is my favorite actor I dont think this is his best movie. He ofter screams and is not clear in what he is saying, I guess Bansali wanted to make him look weired. One thing for sure Bansali is very good at selling his movies, as seen from the success of Black. All those Advertisement Reviews paid off very well at the end. I want to wait and see if Bansali would like to send this movie to oscars without giving due credit to The Miracle Maker. No doubt the movie was not sold very aggressively in US and UK markets like his Devdas and other recent big bollywood productions. Over all I give full marks to Bansali for attempting a movie like this. I also give full marks to people who were marketing this movie. However I do think Bansali was not original in his imagination specially for those parts of the movie which I thought was the best part.