Black friday, a movie based on Mumbai bomb blast, is a must watch for all Indians. It has been picturized with the true spirit. The movie unfolds the fact about the blast which is still hazy in everyones mind. It makes everything clear. The best thing about the movie is the way the various characters have been portrayed. The real characters like Daud, Tiger menon and others who are thought to be responsible for the blast have been portrayed. The very cause of the blast has been explained properly. It is shown that one of the gang members of Tiger was caught who told the entire plan to the police. I dint know this before and doubt if it really happened.
The star cast has been good. Kay kay Menon, Pavan Malhotra have really justified their roles. I would like to appreciate the direction and the way it has been related. The movie will certainly keep someone glued to the screen through out the movie.
Anyone who has facts about the Mumbai bomb blast, can add on.
Happy watching to all. This is my first review on this site.