Few years back, when I first heard the songBandeh, the first commitment I made to myself was to witness itsFirst Day First Show. And got the chance to fulfil that after two years. Not many movies go that dark, that Black Friday has managed.
So, Is Black Friday worth it?
Ratings - 4/5.
Black Friday is a docu-drama based on93 Bombay Blasts.(Just for the fact) The movie was banned by the court since it contains actual names of the accused involved in the blasts. Black Friday, a 2.5 hour movie moves ahead in the form of chapters(the story is based on a book by S. Hussain Zaidi). The first half of the movie shows how the plot was implemented and the ones who were involved in blasts. Then comes the chase and nabbing sequences of all the guys who planted the bombs(which I feel was a bit extended at late). The best part of Black Friday is its honesty. Everything shown in the movie seems damn real. All the scenes of interrogation are shot fantastically(even the red lit interrogation room where onlyBLACK outlined silhouette is visible seems extremely barbaric; but thats the reality.*the third degree *of police).
Acting wise, on individual front, all characters are good. K.K.Menon as the strict officer in-charge is ultimate to watch. Pawan Malhotra as Tiger Menon is good. Aditya Srivastava as one of the bomb planters is best of them. His best scenes are when he roams around in search of a hideout after the bomb blasts.Bombay->Delhi->Rampur->Gorakhpur->Jaipur->Tonk->Gorakhpur->Calcutta.and as time passes by, he is neglected by his Dubai Dons and in the end finds him self-jailed. The picturization also gives you hints about the whole process of intriguing young teenagers by some terror outfits and then left to die once they achieve their motives. One interesting fact about the movie is the usage of real-time footage. All the NEWSTRACK videos, were taken from a scrap dealer, then suitably edited and then embedded in the movie. Also, thisfemale-less bollywood flick contains no romantic relationships, just brutal grilling drama.
Lastly, all credits to Indian Ocean for a majestic background score. How many hyped rock bands have the potential to attract you to a theatre? If you are a college goer and have attended any of their concerts, you would know what the band is capable of! Their songBandeh topped the charts two years back when Black Friday was to come out. Full version ofBandeh(7:48 min) can be downloaded from coolgoose.com. CLASS APART song.If not for the movie, go for this number. You wont be betrayed, bet on.
"An eye for an eye, makes whole world blind".Mahatama Gandhi
A hope also arises from the release of Black Friday. A hope of upgradation of our acceptance towards this kind oftruth cinema. The best example being of "No Mans Land".a Bosnian movie which revealed reality facts to the world and made it to the ocsars arena. Lets hope, movies like Black Friday will make us proud on international platform one day.
Links to Indian Ocean songs can be found at my blog(see my profile)