The MOG - thats the simple name the young Rangers use for Mogadishu - a hellish honeycomb of decrepit buildings behind whose every corner dwell fierce militia armed with automatic weapons and the ubiquitous RPG launcher. This tactically-flawed US operation, vividly shot, (I believe its been referred to as war porn) showcases the grim reality of action for young US soldiers (or soldiers anywhere for that matter) beyond the uniforms, the medals, the camaraderie of the chalk and the proud cry of RLTW (Rangers lead the way).
BHD has been ranked along with Apocalypse Now as being among the best war movies of all time. Indeed this is one of those rare occasions when a commercial release has gone beyond a mere macho display of military hardware and special effects. This is conflict as it is. You are there with the 19 year old Ranger who falls from a chopper on the mean streets of the Mog. Go and watch it, but not with a bucket of popcorn!
P.S. anyone heard of this title in VCD format?