Hello friends my name is vaibhav today I am giving my review on new movie released just before 4 days here in india BLACK PANTHER I am giving my opinion by these points .
1 . plot: as we know stan lees marvel comics always hits on box office entire world but in this movie black panther I can say I only enjoyed the graphics and locations otherwise I didnt like the concept of vibranium and black panther king story . civil war was a full of actions, drama and best concept story but in this time the tichalas story has no more atraction it just how he became king, and his cousin had stole the vibranium and gave to klaw, black panther went to korea for take back wakanadas vibranium they were fight and got fail to take it back and his cousin came to wakanda and then he told full story and again he become black panther and they fight again for save wakanada .
- performance: in the performance of black panther lead role was not so cool and energetic like his cousin erik kilmonger but he played good and soft hart king role . nakias role was very good and but shuri and martin, wiston duke these characters was tood good and best supporters I personally like a villain klaw role and other are almost good
3.music: music is ok not bad because some specially sound in defferent scenes a voices but in the fighting scenes and emotional scenes no any good music were played .
4.cinematrography: ok only this point I can praise them because the view of wakanda was beautiful the lab of shuri was looking stylish like they talking in hand, the digital trains, automatics cars, the fighting scene of korea, black panther became king that scene the water and mountains, when nakia and his mother went to meet wiston duke that scene I thing that was a great . thus I like only the graphics no other points .thanks