The Marvel studios is growing at an incredible rate. The credit goes to its actors, cast, directors. Black PANTHER is the movie on the prince of wakanda TICHALA. His father left the child of his younger brother at america. The King of wakanda killed his younger brother in order to save his friend. But the son of his younger brother come to revenge by defeating TICHALA. He ordered the people of wakanda to transport vibranium ( precious metal) in different nation. But tichala and his family fought with him and wins. The total story is based on the hidden village wakanda. This village is the mountain of vibranium. This metal can do miracles. The plot of story is common and interesting. It contains powerpack actions and some amount of comedy. It comes with a 3D version.
Viewers who are fan of marvel studios must watch.
Its post credit scenes contains bucky( barnes bucky) who lost his hand in captain america: civil war. But in this movie he has been treated by sister of tichala and he is normal.
The movie continuous with Avengers : Infinity war releasing on 27 April.