On my birthday my husband gifted me Blackbery Curve. My bad experience with blackberry. I dont want to use this again in future:
Cant send sms through laptop after connecting via bluetooth which you can do with nokia symbian based phones
Making wifi connection is easy but you dont get much speed in wifi on phone, quite sluggish speed
Not fully functional desktop or pc interface software
Not much free software available for the device as it is available for I phone, so adding new software to your black berry curve, just forget about it
display screen is quite small, so reading full length documents is a tedious task
6.after some time keypad gives up, you have to put extra pressure to get things moving(there are issues but still workable)
So please be aware while purchasing a mobile phone otherwise you will get into trouble like me. Don’t go for modern mobiles, please one among the best which is already in the market for several years.