I directly jumped from a Nokia phone worth 2k to this blackberry 9700 Bold. It has nice display and range of features though I dont use many of them. My usage of phone is restricted to basic features(make and receive calls and sms) and I found the phone to be highly user unfriendly as far as these basic features are concerned. THe usage of sms is very non-intuitive and you have to struggle a lot even with basic features. Let me give some example:
Connecting with computer - The blackberry has option to connect to computer and sync up your address book on outlook, Google contacts etc. BUt what if you dont want to use outlook and instead just type your contacts in a simple text file and then put it on BB? There is no simple way in which you can type your contacts in computer(in notepad or xls or any format) and then, sync up with your BB. Or there is no way you can see contacts in BB and then edit them!
SMS - its the biggest pain. Forwarding the sms is a major hassle. While forwarding, itll keep on asking you for recipients multiple times and hence, the same name gets selected more than once. If you try to delete one of the recipient from the list, there is no way you can do it. In other words, if you selected someone by mistake, you cannot remove him.
I tried searching all support forums and articles but couldnt find it. I found the phone to be highly overrated and expensive. Its definitely not worth its price.