This is my 4th blackberry... I started my bb journey with a curve and then moved on to the bold and now the bold 2... this I do not intend to exchange... I bought a used 9700 for around 14k and have been using it since Jan. I am not into a profession which requires me to use a BB but since Vodafone prepaid has made it available (the service) for so cheap, I just thought I would buy one.
I will be very frank in saying that it is difficult to understand and use this phone, initially. but once u get a hang of this phone then there is no looking back. I use my bold 2 only for internet on the go... I have the x6 for calls and sms... (2 prepaid connections).
The phone is packed with features and looks so damn rich and sophisticated. lets start with the look of the phone... need we say anything? superb dark black handheld with a leather finish battery cover on the back. now that also helps the grip of the phone.
Typing is something u need to get used to with the small keypad but I have been typing at a very good speed. the motion sensor is as smooth as it can be and also eliminates the fear of damaging the track ball. it has a very neat and clear quality 5 mp camera which shoots amazing pics. it comes with n number of applications as well... one can view and edit documents, spreadsheets and even powerpoint.
For entertainment... the phone comes with a decent music player, apps like gtalk, facebook, yahoo msgr and loads of other features.... its the best way u can be connected to the wired world... lets not forget bbm... a blackberry invention which takes chatting to a whole new level... nice!
Now... the only drawback of the phone is the not so happening battery life... I would not say that the battery life sucks... u r using a phone which runs many applications in the background all the time... thats bound to have its effects on the battery... on the contrary... with so many apps running simultaneously, this phone still manages to take u through an entire day... so I would not say its a con of the phone...
PS: I just upgraded my bold 2s OS to version 6... now I am completely impressed with this phone... I envy those who have bold 3 which comes with the version 6... :-P
But... if u have a bold 2... please upgrade it to version 6... awesome interface...