I bought this in delhi for 13, 000 around six months ago and I am very dissapointed.
I dont even feel like writing a review about this phone but since it will help others I will write a short one.
1) excellent email service
2) Loudspeaker is good
3) the size and quality of materials is good.
4) battery is average
5) Optical trackpad is smooth and fun to use
6) Multi tasking is nice
7) the phone is fast even with multiple apps running.
1) U have to use only blackberry internet service which starts at 900rs per month
2) If u dont have Blackberry Internbet Service enabled, u cannot update your device software nor can u use the blackberry app world to download new applicateions and games(not even free ones)
3) Configuration of bluetooth and wifi is a real big headache.
4) The camera is worst than my 4000rs LG phone.
5) No pouch provided for such an expensive phone
6) no themes
7) Cannot vibrate and ring at the same time.
8) headset is way to cheap quality.