Using Blackberry 8900 handset for past three months, really good tool for email on the move probably best way to remain connected to enterprise server. I have stopped using Laptop, VPN thru data card while travelling.
Camera is good for snaps & video, shoot it. send it . I like that, but it takes time to send snaps, some time does not go at all, may be due to size or network issues.
Other than email features are not so good, opening attachments is pain,
small screen pan around is nuisance, dont feel like opening emails with attachments
Internet surfing on small screen is also problematic.
Voice command is not working properly, no training option, makes it use less feature.
Track ball is just OK, already started getting jammed in three months, I hope it will not trouble me further
Navigation within email text is also not good, irritates many time with erratic movements.
Speaker phone really good, clear communication in hands free mode.
conference is also good, only issue is Max 5 people can be hooked at a time
Having Vodafone connection, generally good but makes you reset handset(take out battery, remove sim card) once a week. You loose EDGE network periodically, Vodafone call center will start with Reboot option irrespective of any problem, even if their tower in the area is dead they start with Reboot solution to gain time/fool customer. If you try to become tough with call center guy they are well trained to keep you on bay, will keep on giving you standard replies, no problem with network, will resolve in 4 hrs, will resolve in 24 hrs, and so on. but Vodaphone is better than Airtel in terms of coverage, signals.