This is to bring to all notice that we all know about the Blackberry Brand for its advance technology platform but sorry to say if simple software problem is not resolved then its useless for a company to launch such model like Blackberry Z10.
I always use to buy Blackberry model till now, I have not used any other brand except blackberry but life turned black when for 1 week I was not able to use any services on my Z10 as my mobile became "DABBA" when I done the security wipe on my cell as my cell used to hang up, so I tried to do the security wipe but instead of going through the last step where we have to write "blackberry" in order to perform the last step and it automatically started the security wipe.
And not only this security wipe also took 2 days and stops at 97% and on 3 day when I tried to re-install the software(Factory reset) through blackberry link then my set used to shows error like
I tried to write at the blackberry forum but no proper solution was given and I tried every step according to the forum but then also my set was still in "DABBA" condition.
and some where in the forum also mentioned if error not resolved then the handset is useless, so my brand loyalty towards "Blackberry" is no more and now prefer to buy any other brand .